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August 23, 2021

Intangible asset valuation: Revised version of EY’s guide on “Intangibles – goodwill and other”

EY has recently released a revised version of its comprehensive guide on Financial Reporting Developments for Goodwill and Other Intangibles.

Accounting for goodwill and intangible assets can involve various financial reporting issues, including determining the useful life and unit of accounting for intangible assets, identifying reporting units and performing impairment evaluations.

The guide provides comprehensive recommendations on – among other:

  • accounting alternatives for subsequent accounting for goodwill
  • qualitative impairment assessment of indefinite lived brands and goodwill
  • determination of useful finite lives of trademarks and customer relations

EY’s guide is not only a free courtesy publication, but a standard reference for all professionals involved in the valuation, accounting and reporting of intangible assets and goodwill. Get your free download of the guide directly from EY’s website here.

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